
Showing posts from March, 2020

Staying sane during lockdown

After realising that social media, websites, TV and any other type of technological invention is largely dominated by a certain virus- I have decided to join in and write a short post explaining how you can be mentally fresh post-lockdown. For many, these times of isolation and limited social contact can be detrimental to so many individual's that struggle to maintain a positive mental state. It might not even be as personal as that- you might just be bored. If that's the case, this might just be the post for you. Where do I begin? I thought it would be beneficial to compile twenty various activities that might help you beat that lockdown boredom. So here it is- have fun: 1.   Listen to one song (or more if you're enjoying it) from each of the top 100 albums  of the decade - no skipping either. 2.  Create a short exercise circuit and do it in the garden (a quick search will bring up hundreds). 3.   Give gaming a go (could be a PS4, mobile app or something as simple as a bo

How one business will change the world

Household waste- no one likes needlessly throwing away perfectly good food. It's a recurring problem for many modern households that struggle to use the perishable items that make their way into many fridges across the globe. But can this be prevented? Matt Schwartz , the CEO at Afresh , saw massive potential in this somewhat incomprehensible problem by creating a business that utilises AI (Artificial Intelligence) to help others plan their grocery demands. He outlines in his pitch for the business that despite the massive amount of expenditure on fresh food, the technology used by supermarkets still relies on manual processes and made the likelihood of food going to waste far more likely. WRAP , an organisation focused at building a world geared towards sustainable resource efficiency, has since highlighted a plan for 2025 that wants to reduce the 70% of household waste going to landfill- with statistics showing that 68% of this waste is edible food.  This is where Afresh co