Desire to Achieve

If you've ever been thrown in at the deep end in a new job (which almost everyone has at some point in their life), then you must know how nerve-racking the experience is. You speak in interviews about the endless amounts of experience you have and how you'll be the 'best candidate for the job', with little knowledge that within a week you could be managing an International scale event.

Okay, I'll admit, I didn't take the traditional route of job application, interview, job offer; instead I was able to develop my experiences of the organisation from within. This started as an event staff member by working with like-minded students who (like myself at the time) were all there for one reason. Don't get me wrong, money will always be considered the main factor when applying for a job, especially as you have your meteoric climb up the career ladder and the salary improves. But what if money wasn't and isn't the only thing that should motivate you to work that little bit harder?

You have to consider that a large amount of organisations want you to improve as a professional employee throughout your time there and will often provide you with extensive opportunities to attend courses and training to do so. As well as creating a sense of autonomy, developing intrinsic motivation and an increase in desire to achieve (Kuvaas & Dysvik, 2009; Renard & Snelgar, 2018), utilising every door that opens for you now will only leave future organisational doors ajar. If you can develop this want to achieve early on in your professional journey and you're able to make this the single most prominent aspect of your individual character- the job offers will tumble onto your lap.

Don't just take this from me though, take it from the various successful individuals (Stephen Duneier, Will Smith, Elon Musk) that have harnessed this desire and are able to single out the particular turning points in their career. Don't let a job just be about the money, I know it helps, but consider your personal and professional development. Money will be sure to return if you can channel your aspirations into achievements each working day (even if it is setting that dreaded alarm for a 6am start- you can do this!).



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