
Showing posts from October, 2019

Inspirational Marketing

Unlike most people, I enjoy the allure of advertising campaigns, hence why I thought I would look at the recent ' You Can't ' Samsung TV advertisement with the hope of evaluating its effectiveness. I'm going to start this post a bit bluntly- I don't believe there is anything interesting about the creation of this advert. Samsung utilise people throughout the clip as the main focal point rather than promoting the huge inventory of Samsung products, which has been avidly used as the main marketing tool for many various businesses. Throughout the clip there are multiple people from multiple disciplines; one of them a dancer, one of them tackling a mission to get to space, a blind athlete and an extreme downhill skater. However, the one aspect that I find interesting about the advert is the utilisation of inspiration as the vehicle to drive interest in both the company and its mission. Progressively in the modern era, lots of adverts (see Nike , Gillette & K

Desire to Achieve

If you've ever been thrown in at the deep end in a new job (which almost everyone has at some point in their life), then you must know how nerve-racking the experience is. You speak in interviews about the endless amounts of experience you have and how you'll be the 'best candidate for the job', with little knowledge that within a week you could be managing an International scale event. Okay, I'll admit, I didn't take the traditional route of job application, interview, job offer; instead I was able to develop my experiences of the organisation from within. This started as an event staff member by working with like-minded students who (like myself at the time) were all there for one reason. Don't get me wrong, money will always be considered the main factor when applying for a job, especially as you have your meteoric climb up the career ladder and the salary improves. But what if money wasn't and isn't the only thing that should motivate you to work